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Information For Facilities on Medical Examination Procedure


Medical Examination Procedures And Investigations To Be Conducted
On The Prospective Foreign Worker

  1. Medical examination procedures
NoSystemProcedures and processes
​1General History​Past medical history as listed out in the medical report must be asked and confirmed. For any items marked “YES”, please indicate when the disease was detected, what treatments have been received, severity of the disease, any follow up by the relevant specialities and complications currently experienced by the applicant.Unfit if applicant has a history of:
  • Tuberculosis
  • Epilepsy
  • Leprosy
  • Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
  • Psychiatric illness
  • Hepatitis B
  • History of drug use/dependency
​2​General Examination
​A thorough general physical examination must be undertaken. There should be no evidence of any jaundice, anaemia, cyanosis, clubbing, oedema,
lymphadenopathy or skin diseases (including leprotic pathological manifestations).
Unfit if following signs are present:
  • Jaundice
  • Anaemia
  • Cyanosis
  • Clubbing
  • Oedema
  • Lymphadenopathy
  • Skin diseases (including leprotic pathological manifestations).
  • Blood pressure must be within normal limits
  • Pulse should be regular and of normal rhythm.
  • Heart size must be normal and apex of the heart should not be displaced. There should be no parastenal heave or precordial thrills.
  • Heart sounds must be normal; there should be no murmurs.
  • For those with any cardiovascular disease with no signs as listed in item 2 above, fitness of the applicant must be taken into account by the attending physician (the treatment given, severity, complications and necessity for follow-up by the relevant specialities and costs of treatment of the disease in Brunei Darussalam will also have to be taken into account)
  • If disease condition may affect the work e.g. angina in a worker intending to work as a laborer, then classify as UNFIT
  • Trachea must be central.
  • Percussion of the chest wall and auscultation should be normal.
  • For those with any respiratory disease with no signs as listed in item 2 above, fitness of the applicant must be taken into account by the attending physician (the treatment given, severity, complications and necessity for follow-up by the relevant specialities and costs of treatment of the disease in Brunei Darussalam will also have to be taken into
  • If disease condition may affect the work e.g. bronchial asthma in a worker intending to work as a laborer, then classify as UNFIT
  • Any abnormality in the lung fields on a large chest xray(e.g. fibrosis, pleural thickening, calcifications, scarring, effusions) is classified as UNFIT
  • There should be no masses palpable (e.g.hepatomegaly, splenomegaly).
  • No areas of tenderness must be able to be elicited on palpation.
  • No hernias, ascites or signs of malignancy must be present
  • For those with any gastrointestinal disease with no signs as listed in item 2 above, fitness of the applicant must be taken into account by the attending physician (the treatment given, severity, complications and necessity for follow-up by the relevant specialities and costs of treatment of the disease in Brunei Darussalam will also have to be taken into account).
  • If disease condition may affect the work e.g. hernia in a worker intending to work as a laborer, then classify as UNFIT. However, if the hernia is repaired with no recurrence and no symptoms, then can be classified as FIT.
​Nervous system
(including vision and hearing)
  • General mental status and speech should be normal.
  • Cranial nerves must be intact.
  • Motor power, sensation and reflexes must be normal.
  • No evidence of hearing impairment should be present and the applicant must not suffer from any infections in the middle and inner ear.
  • Visual acuity should be suitable for the job that the applicant applies for. It must be borne in mind that jobs which require sharp vision such as in the case of drivers must have an acuity of not less than 6/6 or 6/9 either with or without eye-glassess and must be able to colour differentiate. The applicant should not be suffering from any infectious eye diseases such as granular conjunctivitis, purulent conjunctivitis, trachoma, and other eye diseases that require prolonged medical treatment or surgical operations such as cataracts and glaucoma.
  • For those with any neurological disease with no signs as listed in item 2 above, fitness of the applicant must be taken into account by the attending physician (the treatment given, severity, complications and necessity for follow-up by the relevant specialities and costs of treatment of the disease in Brunei Darussalam will also have to be taken into account).
  • If disease condition may affect the work e.g. colour blind or stroke in a worker intending to work as a driver, then classify as UNFIT.
  • ​Applicant should be free from clinical symptoms and signs of any venereal disease such as discharge, sores, ulcer or chancre
  • For those with any genitourinary disease with no signs as listed in item 2 above, fitness of the applicant must be taken into account by the attending physician (the treatment given, severity, complications and necessity for follow-up by the relevant specialities and costs of treatment of the disease in Brunei Darussalam will also have to be taken into account).
  • ​Applicant should be free from clinical symptoms and signs of any musculoskeletal disease such as arthritis.
  • For those with any musculoskeletal disease, fitness of the applicant must be taken into account by the attending physician (the treatment given, severity, complications and necessity for follow-up by the relevant specialities and costs of treatment of the disease in Brunei Darussalam will also have to be taken into account).
  • If disease condition may affect the work e.g. severe gout in a worker intending to work as a labourer, then classify as UNFIT.
​9 ​Endocrine
  • ​Applicant should be free from any endocrine disease such as Type 1 Diabetes, hyperthyroidism.
  • For those with any endocrine disease, fitness of the applicant must be taken into account by the attending physician (the treatment given, severity, complications and necessity for follow-up by the relevant specialities and costs of treatment of the disease in Brunei Darussalam will also have to be taken into account).
  • If disease condition may affect the work e.g. poorly controlled Type 2 NIDDM in a worker intending to work as a driver, then classify as UNFIT.

2. Investigation
No ​InvestigationsComments
  • Positive blood test for HIV antibody, HbsAg or VDRL/TPHA will render the applicant UNFIT for employment in Brunei Darussalam.
  • Those whose blood test are positive for the malaria parasite must be treated first and rendered NEGATIVE (on repeat blood slide) before fitness can be given.
  • If anaemic and symptomatic, UNFIT until treated.
  • Any gross abnormality in other blood results must be investigated to exclude any underlying disease
  • Any urine test which are positive for drugs (opiates, cannabis) or pregnancy (for females) will deem the applicant to be UNFIT.
  • The urine should also not contain parasitic infections such as bilharzia (particularly in endemic areas).
​3​Chest X-ray
  • ​Any abnormality detected in the lung fields on a large film CXR is considered UNFIT for employment. This includes fibrosis, scarring, calcification, soft tissue densities, other parenchymal abnormalities, pleural effusions, pleural thickening, even if it is known to have been treated
  • ​Stool examinations are required in particular for those who will handle food in their prospective employment e.g. restaurants, hotels beverage or room service sections, supermarkets and retail shops, and those who will be employed as domestic workers as they are usually involved in food preparation. Those who are found positive for any of the organisms outlined in the Medical Report must be treated first and rendered NEGATIVE (on repeat stool exam) before fitness can be given.
​5​Sputum AFB
  • ​Sputum AFB and culture must be done on any symptomatic applicant, with or without X-ray changes, to exclude tuberculosis infection.
  • ​ECG must be done to applicants who complains of chest pain, have a history of hypertension and diabetes mellitus or who have a history of palpitations
​7​Slit skin smear
  • ​Slit skin smear is necessary if a patient gives a history of any anaesthetic skin patches/skin changes to rule out leprosy.

  3. Vaccinations

Vaccinations are required for certain type of occupations; this is either for the protection of the worker as well as for the protection of the community in which he/she is employed in. The vaccinations are mandatory and in accordance to the type of employment of the foreign worker and the appropriate vaccination(s) shall be administered by the physician.
The following vaccinations are for the following types of occupation:

i. Tetanus
For those who are employed as:
  • construction workers
  • agriculture workers
  • laborers
  • any occupation involved in working with metals(e.g. car workshop, scrap metal)
  • sanitation workers
  • domestic workers (e.g. maids)
​ii. TyphoidFor those handling food and employed in/as:
  • restaurants
  • hotels (restaurant, service section)
  • domestic workers (e.g.maids)
  • supermarkets / retail shops (salesperson)
  • sewerage workers
​iii. Rubella (if not immunised in childhood)
For those employed as:'
  • nanny / child minder
  • domestic workers (e.g.maids)
​iv. Hepatitis B (if not immunised)
For those employed as:
  • domestic workers (e.g.maids)
  • saloon workers/massage parlours
  • acupuncturist