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Depression in children and teenagers

Depression doesn't just affect adults. Children and teenagers can get depressed too.

It's important to get help early if you think your child may be depressed. The longer it goes on, the more likely it is to disrupt your child's life and turn into a long-term problem.

Signs of depression in children

Symptoms of depression in children often include:

  • sadness, or a low mood that doesn't go away
  • being irritable or grumpy all the time
  • not being interested in things they used to enjoy
  • feeling tired and exhausted a lot of the time

Your child may also:

  • have trouble sleeping or sleep more than usual
  • not be able to concentrate
  • interact less with friends and family
  • be indecisive
  • not have much confidence
  • eat less than usual or overeat
  • have big changes in weight
  • seem unable to relax or be more lethargic than usual
  • talk about feeling guilty or worthless
  • feel empty or unable to feel emotions (numb)
  • have thoughts about suicide or self harming
  • actually self-harm, for example, cutting their skin or taking on overdose

Some children have problems with anxiety as well as depression. Some also have physical symptoms, such as headaches and stomach aches.

Problems at school can be a sign of depression in children and teenagers and so can problem behavior.

Older children who are depressed may misuse drugs or alcohol.


Why is my child depressed?

Things that increase the risk of depression in children include:

  • family difficulties

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  • physical, emotional or sexual abuse
  • a family history of depression or other mental health problems

Sometimes depression is triggered by one difficult event, such as parents separating, a bereavement or problems with school or other children.

Often it's caused by a mixture of things. For example, your child may have inherited a tendency to depression and also have experienced some difficult life events.

If you think your child is depressed

If you think your child may be depressed, it's important to talk to them. Try to find out what's troubling them and how they are feeling. 


Whatever is causing the problem, take it seriously. It may not seem a big deal to you, but it could be a major problem for your child.

If your child doesn't want to talk to you, let them know that you are concerned about them and that you're there if they need you.

Encourage them to talk to someone else they trust, such as another family member, a friend or someone at school.

It may be helpful for you to talk to other people who know your child, including their other parent.

You could also contact their school to see if they have any concerns.


When to get medical help

If you think your child is depressed, make an appointment with them to see your GP.

If necessary they can refer your child to their local child and adolescent mental health service (CAMHS) in Kiarong for specialist help.

 If you need urgent help outside of working hour, please visit Accident and Emergency Department at RIPAS Hospital.

Treatment and therapies

Cognitive behavioral therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a talking therapy that can help your child manage their problems by changing the way they think and behave.

It has been proven to help with depression that isn't severe, and is commonly offered to young people who are anxious.

Your child will work with the therapist to find ways to change the way they think and find strategies for coping with negative thinking. 


If your child's depression has not got better, your doctor may talk to you about trying medication.

A type of antidepressant, called a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), may help your child feel calmer and differently about things.

Antidepressants usually take around two to four weeks to work properly, so you or your child may not notice the difference immediately.

It's natural to be concerned about side effects. Your doctor will discuss these with you and collaborate with you with regards to the treatment plan of your child.



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