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ONE new case COVID-19 reported today, 7 August 2020


16 Zulhijjah 1441 / 07 August 2020

1.    The Ministry of Health would like to announce that today, Friday, 16 Zulhijjah 1441 / 07 August 2020, there is 1 new case of COVID-19 infection in the country. Therefore, as of now the total number of COVID-19 cases in Brunei Darussalam is 142 cases.

  • Case 142, a local male aged 24 years old studied in Yemen. He returned back to Brunei Darussalam on 5 August 2020 on board Royal Brunei BI874 (seated at 44K) from Kuala Lumpur. Although he reportedly suffered from shortness of breath on 6 August 2020, he is currently in a stable condition, no longer has any signs of infection and is being treated at the National Isolation Center. The contact tracing investigation has identified 13 contacts, all of which are undergoing quarantine and will undergo a COVID-19 swab test as arranged. As this case has been taken to the National Isolation Center upon arrival in the country, the public is advised not to panic or worry as this case has not had any interaction with his family members or others since arriving in the country.

2.    Meanwhile, according to the mandatory 14-day isolation order issued on 20 March 2020 for those who have just arrived in the country, a total of 564 individuals are undergoing mandatory isolation at the monitoring centers provided by the Government. Since March 2020, a total of 3,938 individuals have completed their mandatory self-isolation at the monitoring centres.

3.    In the past 24 hours, a total of 542 samples have been tested for the SARS-CoV-2 virus that brings the total number of laboratory tests conducted since January 2020 to 43,312 tests.

4.    In relation to the confirmation of a new case today, the Ministry of Health would like to emphasize the importance for the public to remain vigilant and take precautions by adopting and practice the preventive measures as recommended. This includes to practice physical distancing wherever you are, avoid going to crowded places, wearing a face mask when unable to avoid going to crowded places, as well as maintaining personal hygiene such as frequently washing your hands and maintaining personal hygiene, practice proper cough and sneeze etiquette.

5.    Meanwhile, the Ministry of Health would also like to share on the outcome of the monitoring conducted for the enforcement of the directives under the Infectious Diseases Act (Section 204), as of this week a total of 8 operations were conducted nationwide and a total of 11 compound fines were issued. The cases that do not comply with the directives involve premises such as restaurants, beauty and health establishments as well as barber shops where the main offense found is that employees do not wear face masks.

6.    The Ministry of Health would like to remind the restaurant owners to comply with all rules and directives issued, especially to wear a face mask and for beauty and health establishments to use face masks and aprons. Any individual found to be in violation of or disobey any order issued shall be an offense under the Infectious Diseases Act (Section 204) which carries a compound fine of up to $5,000 or can be prosecuted in court carrying a fine of up to $10,000 or imprisonment up to 6 months or both. The Ministry will not hesitate to take legal action against anyone who does not comply with the directives issued.

7.    For further information and latest updates, members of the public can visit the official website of the Ministry of Health at or by contacting the Health Advice Line 148 or through the BruHealth App or the app

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Reference         : KK/PR/2

Date                : 16 Zulhijjah 1441H / 07 August 2020
