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Organisation Chart

Services Provided
Food Safety Laboratory
Microbiology Laboratory
Environmental Laboratory
- Viral Serology Laboratory
- Parasitology Laboratory
- Narcotic Laboratory
- Toxicology Laboratory
- Forensic Biology/DNA 
- Document Examination Laboratory
- Criminalistic Laboratory

Career Prospects

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Together Towards A Healthy Nation 



Provide the highest level of scientific support services in Public Health Safety and Law Enforcement in Brunei Darussalam through the development of high level of scientific expertise in staff and the delivery of efficient and effective laboratory testing and investigative services


Main Values

We Uphold Integrity                                                                                             We value honesty, fair behaviour and morality as one organistion and individual. We uphold the concept of MIB as a philosophy guides.

We Uphold Excellence 
We strive for excellence scientifically through the development of continuous mainpower  resources with  the use of the latest technology.

We Uphold Quality                                                                                                 We ensure the presentation of laboratory testings and efficient services yet effective investigations and comply with the international standards.

We Uphold Together

We appreciate our officers and staffs as an innovative, active and co-operative contributors to the organization and to our customers.

We Value Clients
We appreciate our customers' needs by providing polite services with respect and   to  culture.